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Downloads top 500


Downloads got past the 500 mark pretty quick!

And this'll probably get way out of date even quicker, check it out now



Nice review from the Broke PC Gamer


"Much like a certain brand of chips (or crisps) you just can't stop after one. If you own a fairly decent tablet or phone, I highly suggest you try out this game."



5 Stars from MaxedOutPC


Technology and review site MaxedOutPC did their very first app review and chose the brand new Low Life, giving it 5 stars!


"This is one of the most addictive games I have played since Angry Birds"

Top rating from Android Tapp reviewer


Top Android review site have given Low Life 4.5 out of 5 stars!

"Low Life is ridiculously addictive and even as I write I’m pining to pick the game up again"


AppsZoom review out!


Top site AppsZoom have reviewed Low Life and given it 4 / 5 !


"The game is highly addictive and truly recommendable"

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